“La Teoria della Sopravvivenza di Luigi XVII”
21 Gennaio 1793, Louis XVII scomparve. Il Duca di Normandia, Louis XVII, fu rinchiuso nella torre del tempio sotto la sorveglianza di violenti e minacciosi guardiani della cella. Oltre alle violente minacce e alle intimidazioni sul suo piccolo corpo, il suo cuoricino si fece anche corrompere da una profonda solitudine. Con quel ritmo, quello doveva essere il suo ultimo giorno in una prigione dove non arrivavano i raggi del sole. Il 19 settembre dello stesso anno, in una sera di luna piena, qualcuno lo fece uscire (di prigione ndr.) lasciando un sostituto nella torre. Ironicamente, nonostante stesse lasciando Parigi in pieno agguato, Maria Antonietta verrà giustiziata il 16 ottobre. La carrozza trainata da cavalli attraversò gioiosamente Piazza della Concordia.

January 21st 1793, Louis XVI disappeared. The Duke of Normandy, Louis XVII, was trapped in the tower of the temple under the supervision of violent and dangerous guards men. Louis was under threats of violence and intimidation by those men too; his small little heart was corrupted also by a very deep solitude. Tears and intimidation repeated with violence thrust down not only to the young body, but also to the bottom of the small heart. In that situation, it was supposed to be the last day in that prison where sun light never arrived.
In a fullmoon evening on September 19th of the same year, he was taken out by someone who left a substitute of Louis in the tower. Ironically, despite leaving Paris to lurk far away, Marie Antoinette was executed on October 16th. The horse-drawn delightfully ran through Concorde square.
June 8th 1795: the surrogate boy who was left in the tower of the temple finally died. The doctor who did the autopsy put the heart in the pocket of his own coat and brought it out. He kept his heart in a wine and hid it in his bookshelf, but the heart passed by time and became stiff like a stone.
Traduzione inglese Merithorus Slifer – Traduzione italiana Reine de Fleur